how to remove the look who died'' facebook virus

How to Remove ‘Look Who Died’ Facebook Virus: How-To Guide

The ‘Look Who Died’ Facebook virus is a phishing scam that’s getting more common. It uses your feelings to trick you into sharing personal info. It looks like a message from a friend with a scary subject line “Look who died,” and a link to a fake news article.

When you click the link, you might be asked to enter your Facebook login on a fake site. This is a big risk for your account. To keep your Facebook safe and take back control, follow a detailed guide on removing the virus. It will show you how to spot the virus, secure your account, and prevent future threats.

Understanding the ‘Look Who Died’ Facebook Virus

The Look Who Died virus is a type of Facebook malware. It tricks people by looking like a message from a friend on Facebook Messenger. The message tells you to click a link to learn about someone who has died. This is how social engineering works to trick users.

When you click the link, you download malware without knowing it. This malware can steal your personal info and spread to your friends. This can make more people fall into the same trap. It’s important to act fast to keep your account safe and protect your data.

Look Who Died virus

Signs You May Have the ‘Look Who Died’ Virus

It’s key to know the signs of a Facebook virus to keep your account safe. Many users don’t find out they’re affected until it’s too late. Look out for signs of unusual activity that could mean you have the ‘Look Who Died’ virus.

Unusual Posts or Messages Sent from Your Account

One clear sign of the ‘Look Who Died’ virus is seeing spam posts from your Facebook account. These posts often try to get friends to click on dangerous links. If you see posts or messages you didn’t send, your account might be infected.

Strange Login Locations in Your Account Activity

Unusual login locations are another red flag. Check your account settings for any strange places or devices logging in. If you see places or devices you don’t recognize, it’s time to look into it to protect your account from the ‘Look Who Died’ virus.

signs of Facebook virus

How to Remove the ‘Look Who Died’ Facebook Virus

To get rid of the ‘Look Who Died’ virus from your Facebook, follow a step-by-step guide. Start by checking your settings and the apps you use. These steps will help you clean your Facebook account.

Step-by-Step Process for Cleaning Your Account

First, log into your Facebook account and go to your settings. Then, do the following:

  • Check the list of applications connected to your account. Remove any that you do not recognize or use.
  • Review permissions granted to these apps, ensuring no unfamiliar access is allowed.
  • Change your password immediately to enhance security.

Utilizing Facebook’s Security Settings

To remove the Facebook virus, make sure your account is secure. Go to the Facebook security settings and:

  • Enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of protection.
  • Review recent devices that have accessed your account. Sign out of sessions you do not recognize.

Disconnecting Unauthorized Third-Party Apps

Third-party apps can be entry points for viruses or malware. In your security settings:

  • Look for any third-party apps connected to your account.
  • Disconnect those you do not recall authorizing. This step is crucial in the effort to remove Facebook virus effectively.

cleaning Facebook account

Running a Virus Scan with Antivirus Software

To keep your system safe from the ‘Look Who Died’ Facebook virus, use good antivirus software. It’s key to do a full virus scan to find hidden threats. This way, your device stays safe. With the right antivirus, you can fight off malware that spreads through bad links.

Choosing the Right Antivirus Program

Pick antivirus software that fits your needs for Facebook virus protection. Options like TotalAV, McAfee, and Bitdefender are great for finding malware. They scan in real-time, catching threats before they can hurt your system. Make sure the software updates often to stay safe from new threats.

How to Perform a System Scan

To do a system scan, just follow these steps:

  1. Install the antivirus software and make sure it’s up to date with the latest virus info.
  2. Open the software and go to the scanning options.
  3. Choose the full scan to check your whole system for malware.
  4. Start the scan and let it finish its job.
  5. Look at any items the scan finds and delete threats as the software suggests.

Setting up regular scans boosts your system’s defense against malware, including the ‘Look Who Died’ virus. Make scanning a routine to feel safe while using social media.

Removing Suspicious Browser Extensions

Suspicious Chrome extensions can put your online safety at risk. Malware often hides as harmless browser extensions or plugins. To stay safe, check and remove extensions you didn’t install or don’t recognize. Start by going to your browser’s settings. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open your Chrome browser and click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  2. Select “More Tools” and then click on “Extensions.”
  3. Look through the list for any extensions you don’t recognize.
  4. Click “Remove” next to any suspicious Chrome extensions you find.
  5. Think about removing extensions you don’t use anymore.

Removing suspicious extensions keeps your browser safe from threats. With more browser hijackers around, being quick to act can stop problems like pop-up ads or wrong website redirects. These hijackers can sneak into your system when you install software from shady places.

Watch for signs of a browser hijacker. Look out for sudden website changes, different search engines, or more ads. If you think a hijacker is there, remove any harmful apps or addons. Sometimes, you might need to go into Safe Mode and use special tools to clean up. Using antivirus software like AVG AntiVirus FREE can help find and remove hijackers, keeping your online safe.

Updating Your Facebook Security Settings

Keeping your Facebook account safe is crucial in today’s digital world. Using strong passwords and two-factor authentication lowers the risk of hackers getting in. Make sure your Facebook security settings are up to date for better protection.

Creating a Strong Password

A strong password is the first step in security. Try to mix uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols for a tough password. Don’t use personal info like birthdays or names, as hackers can easily find that.

Here are some tips for making a strong password:

  • Use at least 12 characters.
  • Incorporate a mix of character types.
  • Change your password regularly.
  • Avoid reusing passwords across different accounts.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

Adding two-factor authentication is another way to protect your account. This means you’ll need a code from your phone or email, besides your password, to log in. It makes it hard for hackers to get in, even if they have your password.

To turn on two-factor authentication:

  1. Go to your Facebook security settings.
  2. Select the option for two-factor authentication.
  3. Follow the prompts to link your mobile number or email for verification.

How to Avoid the ‘Look Who Died’ Facebook Virus

To keep your Facebook safe, it’s key to act early. Learn to spot suspicious links and use antivirus tools to protect your online world.

Identifying Suspicious Links

Spotting dangerous links is a must to stay safe. Here are tips to help you:

  • Always hover over links to see where they lead before you click.
  • Be wary of messages from people you don’t know that ask you to click links.
  • Watch out for URLs with misspellings or strange characters, as they might be phishing attempts.
  • Check if the person sending you a link is trustworthy before you click on it.

Using Antivirus Software Preventatively

Good antivirus software can block Facebook viruses. Here’s how to use it best:

  • Pick an antivirus that scans links in real-time and protects you from threats.
  • Set up regular system checks to find and remove threats early.
  • Update your antivirus often to keep it fighting the newest dangers.
  • Think about adding browser extensions that alert you to risky websites.

Recognizing Other Facebook Scams

Knowing about common Facebook scams is key to keeping your online world safe. Many frauds happen on the platform, aiming at users who aren’t careful. By spotting these tricks, you can protect your personal info and stay secure on Facebook.

Similar Messenger Viruses

There are many Messenger viruses out there, just like the “Look Who Died” scam. They often come as tricky messages that try to get you to click on harmful links. Be careful with any strange or unexpected messages you get. These could be ways for scammers to send malware or steal your info. Always check if messages are real, especially if they’re from people you don’t know.

Fake Friend Requests

Scammers often pretend to be people you know on Facebook. They do this to get to your personal info or spread malware in your network. Be careful when checking friend requests. Watch out for profiles with odd pictures or not much info. Don’t accept requests that seem off, and always put your account’s security first.

Reporting Issues to Facebook

If you think your Facebook account has been hacked, act fast. Use the platform’s reporting tools to report malware and suspicious activities. This helps keep your account safe and keeps the whole Facebook community safe.

Facebook has many ways to report issues:

  • Navigate to the Help Center to find reporting options.
  • Use the option to report suspicious messages directly on the platform.
  • Contact [email protected] for email-related threats.

Being careful online is crucial. Scammers often use Facebook to get into other accounts with the same email and password. The Better Business Bureau and the Indiana Attorney General’s Office say malicious tagging is a big scam. So, Facebook security reporting is key to fighting these threats.

Always check messages that seem odd or ask for personal info. If you see something suspicious, report and remove it fast. This keeps you and your friends safe. Scam messages are all over social media, showing how important it is to act quickly.

General Tips for Social Media Safety

Keeping your online presence safe means staying alert and using smart habits. Social media safety tips can protect your accounts and info from scams. Scammers often use emotional appeals, especially after big events, to trick you. They might say, “I’m so sorry for your loss. I think you knew him?” followed by a link to avoid. Always check messages carefully; if something looks wrong, ask the sender before you click.

Maintaining Vigilance with Incoming Messages

Be careful with messages that have links, especially if you don’t know the sender. Scammers make fake profiles to seem trustworthy and trick people. Knowing how fraudsters work is key to staying safe online. This includes:

  • Phishing scams that try to get your login info.
  • Tech support scams that pretend to be real companies to get into your device.
  • Romance scams that use feelings to ask for money.
  • Marketplace purchase scams that look shady on platforms like Facebook Marketplace.

Educating Friends and Family on Online Security

Teach your friends and family about staying safe online. Being ahead of the game in online security makes everyone safer. Encourage them to use two-factor authentication on social media and change passwords often. Talk about new scams, like emergency or “grandparent” scams, to keep everyone on guard. Protecting your loved ones helps build a safer social media world.


Being proactive is key to keep your Facebook safe from threats like the “Look Who Died” virus. Knowing about the virus and its signs helps you act fast to protect your account. Using security steps helps remove harmful software and boosts your online safety.

This guide highlights the need for antivirus software, secure login details, and checking your account often. Staying alert and informed keeps your social media safe and fun.

Protecting your Facebook is an ongoing task. Staying updated on cyber threats and using strong security steps lowers your risk of scams or phishing. Taking these steps is the best way to keep your online life secure.


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